8 Natural Remedies to get rid of Dandruff...Follow these steps...

When it comes to dandruff, most people focus on the flakes.

Itching, on the other hand, may be the most uncomfortable side effect. So what exactly is your scratchy scalp trying to tell you? Read up on the most common symptoms of dandruff and ways to get your scalp healthy again.


Skin cells are formed continuously on the scalp, so the shedding of dead skin cells is a normal process. Sometimes with dandruff, however, skin cells are shed at a faster rate than normal. Oil from the scalp causes the skin cells to clump together and appear as white flakes.

Dandruff can be caused by a number of things, including dry skin; sensitivity to hair products; and skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis or eczema.

The overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus can also cause dandruff. This overgrowth can be caused by stress, hormones, too much oil on the scalp, or problems with the immune system.


Dermatologists commonly refer to dandruff as seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. The signs and symptoms include:

  • White flakes on shoulders of dark clothing
  • Itchy scalp
  • Scaly facial skin
  • Recurrent ear "eczema"
  • Facial rash over eyebrows, nose, and ears
  • Oily scalp and facial skin with dry flakes
  • Eyebrow rash
  • Beard rash
  • Chest rash with dry flakes and red spots

One of the most common and often the first symptom of dandruff can be white flakes seen on dark clothes. Scalp itching may be another common first symptom. In some, the initial noticeable symptom is simply dry facial skin without any other rashes. Patients may complain to their physician of dry skin that fails to respond to daily lotions and creams. Often they have used every lotion possible from the drugstore or more expensive department stores. Frequently, this is caused by undiagnosed scalp dandruff that is causing problems "downstream" on the face.

Here are some natural home remedies for dandruff you may not have known 

Quick Home Remedies

1. Do not oil hair and keep it on for long

Delhi-based Dermatologist Dr.Deepali Bhardwaj says, "It's a pure myth that oiling is good for hair with dandruff". "In fact", she affirms "applying oil will lead to more dandruff as oil is like food for Malazzesia which leads to dandruff."
Applying oil to a dry, itchy scalp may sound like heaven but may only exacerbate your dandruff condition, especially when you let it sit on your scalp for longer periods of time.


Vinegar helps in treating itchy, dry skin and also helps to kill dandruff-causing fungus and bacteria. The acidic content of vinegar is supremely beneficial to drastically reduce flaking. Dr.Deepali advises, "My favourite home remedy is to apply an equal quantity mixture of white vinegar with water on the scalp skin about half an hour before a head wash."

Home Remedies for dandruff:  Vinegar helps in treating itchy, dry skin

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda acts as a scrub and exfoliates the scalp gently, without irritating it and removing dead skin cells. Exfoliation is essential to ensure there is no build up of  flakes on the scalp that make dandruff even more visible. Dr.Sirisha Singh, Medical Director and Consultant Dermatologist at The Skin Centre in New Delhi says, "Baking soda, along with its exfoliation and anti-fungal properties, also soothes the scalp and reduces redness and itching."

You can simply add some baking soda to your shampoo while washing hair to derive its benefits.

Home remedies for dandruff: Baking soda, acts as a scrub and exfoliates the scalp gently

4. Neem

All of us are aware of the role that neem extract plays in almost all skin medications because of its antibacterial and antifungal qualities. Since dandruff can mostly be attributed to fungal colonization of scalp, it is only right to turn to this age-old remedy for skin ailments. Natural is always the best way to go; however Dr. Sirisha Singh cautions us to use a very diluted version of neem (neem boiled in water) for the scalp as concentrated versions may only irritate the skin further.

Neem has antibacterial and antifungal qualities

5. Tea Tree Oil

All anti-acne and anti-fungal medications boast of tea tree oil due to its exceptional power to fight fungal and bacterial infections. Add a drop or two of tea tree oil to your shampoo and wash normally and notice the results sitting in the comfort of your home!

All anti-acne and anti-fungal medications boast of tea tree oil

6. Garlic

The pungent smell of the occasional garlic clove may make it a No-No for some but its medicinal value is definitely something that cannot be overlooked. Garlic is immensely beneficial as an anti-fungal natural product and the benefits of raw or crushed garlic (avoid cooked garlic for treating medical conditions) have mesmerized man for centuries. Pound a clove or two of garlic and after mixing with water, use it on your scalp to see quick results. The smell? You could always mix in a little honey and ginger!

Garlics immensely beneficial as an anti-fungal natural product

7. Aloe Vera

Not only is aloe vera cooling but also mildly exfoliates the skin and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It is best to directly extract some from the aloe vera plant- it is transparent and has a thick consistency. It can be applied in the scalp and then washed off with a medicated anti-dandruff or mild shampoo. Dr. Sirisha also recommends this herb to calm down an irritated scalp and provide relief from inflammation.

Aloe vera mildly exfoliates the skin and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties

8.Minimize the stress levels

Stress is believed to impact many aspects of health and well-being. It can influence everything from chronic conditions to mental health.While stress itself doesn’t cause dandruff, it can aggravate symptoms like dryness and itching.Sustaining high levels of stress long-term may suppress the activity of the immune system 

A weakened immune system can reduce your body’s ability to fight off some of the fungal infections and skin conditions that contribute to dandruff.In fact, one study of 82 people with seborrheic dermatitis, one of the most common causes of dandruff, showed that the majority of dermatitis episodes were preceded by a stressful life event 

To keep the stress levels under control, try some stress reduction techniques, such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing or aromatherapy


Although dandruff can be a frustrating problem, there are plenty of natural remedies available that can reduce symptoms and provide relief.

Next time you start spotting flakes, give a few of these natural remedies a try.

Use these remedies on their own or pair them with over-the-counter products like anti-dandruff shampoos to maximize treatment effectiveness.


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